Q: Norman fonts: Nina Fonts

Enrica Garzilli garzilli at shore.net
Thu Dec 12 14:54:50 UTC 1996

Arash Zeini wrote:
> I am searching for Devanagari fonts for Windows 95.
> Can anybody help me to find them ?
> It would be very good to have True Type ones.
> Thanh you.

Arch. Dr. Ludovico Magnocavallo is designing the *Nina* fonts for devanagari in Windows 
TrueType, Macintosh TrueType, and Adobe Type 1 (both WIndows/Dos/Unix and Macintosh 
versions), together with a set of macros for conversion to and from the CS/CSX encoding.

They will be free and available in our ftp server:

Any suggestion from users will be more than welcomed.

You can read his announcement of the Nina fonts in the last issue of the *International 
Journal of Tantric Studies*, Vol. 2 (1996), No. 2, November 29, 

For typing devanagari in the Windows environment see the Derick Miller, "Typing 
Devanagari on a Standard Keyboard", in *IJTS* Vol. 2 (1996), No. 1, April 10, 
(Mr. Miller, who is a MA in Sanskrit and worked as a Senior Quality Assurance Engineer, 
also offers a review of the UniType International and the ILKEYB). 

I hope this helps.
Dr. Enrica Garzilli
Univ. of Perugia (ITALY)
Editor-in-Chief, IJTS and JSAWS (http://www.shore.net/~india)

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