One bibliographic and one lexical inquiry
Asko H S Parpola
aparpola at
Wed Aug 7 03:09:46 UTC 1996
On Tue, 6 Aug 1996 aklujkar at wrote:
> Dharma-caurya-rasaayana, a short text I have recently studied, was printed
> in 1946 in Brahma-vidyå or the Adyar Library Bulletin. Could anyone kindly
> give me the volume number (the photocopy I have does not contain the vol
> no) and also clarify if the text was subsequently published as part of the
> Adyar Library Text Series.>
DharmacauryarasAyana was published as no. 9 of The Adyar Library Pamphlet
Series, but is now out of print. That is all I can see from the Adyar
Library's List of publications 1986 (with later handwritten additions
from about 1990, bringing it up to date). Best regards, AP
Asko Parpola (E-mail Asko.Parpola at Helsinki.Fi)
Department of Asian and African Studies, Univ. of Helsinki
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