International Journal of Hindu Studies

Mittal Sushil mittals at ERE.UMontreal.CA
Sun Apr 28 20:23:22 UTC 1996

Articles to appear in the first few issues of the new <International
Journal of Hindu Studies>:

Advaita Vedanta and Typologies of Multiplicity and Unity: An 
Interpretation of Nondual Knowledge
	Joseph Milne, Theology and Religious Studies, University of Kent

"Indianization" vs Sanskritization in Javanese Law
	Mason C Hoadley, East Asian Languages, Lund University

The Power of Space in a Traditional Hindu City (Nepal)
	Robert Levy, Anthropology, Duke University

Ajatasattu and the Future of Psychoanalytic Anthropology (3 parts)
1. The Promise of a Culture
2. The Imperative of the Wish
3. Culture, Imagination, and the Wish
	Dan Forsyth, Anthropology, University of Southern Colorado

Religious Nationalism and Communalism
	Peter Heehs, History, c/o Sri Aurobindo Ashram

Indian Legal Systems: Past and Present (2 parts)
	Werner Menski, Law, University of London

What's a God? The Quest for the Right Understanding of <devata> in 
Brahmanical Ritual Theory (<mimamsa>) (2 parts)
	Fracis X Clooney, Theology, Boston College

Temple Rites and Temple Servants: Religion's Role in the Survival of 
Kerala's Kutiyattam Drama Tradition
	Bruce M Sullivan, Religious Studies, Northern Arizona University

Mountains of Wisdom: On the Interface Between Siddha and Vidyadhara Cults 
and the Siddha Orders in Medieval India
	David Gordon White, Religious Studies, University of Virginia

When Rahu Devours the Moon: The Myth of the Birth Krsna Caitanya
	Tony Stewart, Religion, North Carolina State University

Radhakrishnan as Advocate of the Class/Caste System as a Universal 
Religio-Social System
	Robert N Minor, Religious Studies, University of Kansas

Sanskritization, Tamilization and Modernization: Social Change and the 
Revival of Malaysian Hinduism
	Richard Lee, Anthropology, University of Malaya

Jaina Ideology and Early Mughal Trade with Europeans
	Ellison Banks Findly, Religion and Asian Studies, Trinity College

Book Symposium on Robert Levy's <Mesocosm: Hinduism and the Organization 
of a Traditional Newar City in Nepal>. The contributors are:
	Moshe Berent, Open University of Israel
	Paul Cartledge, University of Cambridge
	David Gellner, Brunel University
	Michael Jameson, Stanford University
	Steven Parish, Boston University
	Declan Quigley, Queen's University
	Gerard Toffin, Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique
	Michael Witzel, Harvard University

April 5, 1996.

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