Reference Books on Sanskrit Linguistics and/or phonology

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at
Fri Apr 26 10:48:45 UTC 1996

	The book Jonathan Silk refers to is James Bare's dissertation at 
the University of Michigan : Phonetics and Phonology in Panini, the 
System of Features implicit in the AzTaadhyaayii.  This was published in 
the series Natural Language Studies, No. 2, Department of Linguistics, 
the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, March 1980.  It has a lot of 
useful discussion of the PraatiSaakhyas, Sikzaas and Panini.  The book is 
difficult to purchase these days, but I have a few copies, which I am 
willing to send for free to interested scholars.  One would need to send 
me some money to cover the mailing costs.  Please contact me separately at 
mmdesh at  
	A second book coming up is my annotated critical edition of 
Saunakiiyaa Caturaadhyaayikaa (Whitney's Atharva-PraatiSaakhya) with 
three commentaries and translation.  This book should be published within 
the next few months and it has extensive discussions on this topic, both 
in the notes and in the introduction.
	Madhav Deshpande

On Thu, 25 Apr 1996 at wrote:

> I don't have the book at hand here in the office, but a student of Madhav
> Deshpande some years ago wrote a very interesting thesis on Skt pholology. 
> (Sorry, that should be Phonology!)  It was published in a series -- but I
> forgot the details -- Madhav??  Reference?

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