newly discovered inscription

Benjamin Preciado Solis bprecia at
Fri Apr 12 18:02:42 UTC 1996

I forward a letter from Prof. R.V.Joshi:

Dear list members 
In reference to the verses kindly given by my dear friend Prof. Aklujkar, 
Prof. Deshpande, and others, regardig temples and shoes, it so happened 
that in a very recent trip to India to receive the Sahitya Akademi Award 
for Sanskrit Literature on my latest kavya zriiraadhaapancazatii, I had 
the opportunity of visiting Govardhan. There I found the following verses 
in an old inscription in an abandoned temple. To my surprise these verses 
refered to the very same issue treated by our learned colleagues. These 
verses are very simple, but in the penultimate one there appears a query 
that I am unable to answer. If there is someone out there who can explain 
the answer to me I shall be most thankfyl.

		Zrii govardhano vijayate

upaanahor mano dhRtvaa ye yaanti harimandiram
niSphalam' darzanam' teSaam' gajasnaanam' yathaa vRthaa. 1

sopaanatkaan vadantyetaan upaanatsu dhRtaatmanah
niSphalam' darzanam' teSaam' hanizcopaanahoh kvacit. 2

sarastiire baalukaayaam' nihitaaNDaa hi kacchapii
sarovaariNii tiSThanti dhyaayati dhyaanabindunaa. 3

yathaaNDaanaam' karotyeva kuurmii dhyaanena poSaNam'
tathaa sam'cintayet kRSNam' bahistiSTham'zca mandiraat. 4

mandire gamanam' kim' vaa mandire}gamanam' tathaa
saarthakam' tu bhavennuunam' yasyopaanatsu no manah. 5

devaalaye}pi sam'gamya cittam' yeSaamupaanahoh
daaridryam' rogabaahulyam' teSaam' samïjaayate dhruvam. 6

kvacit sam'padyate laabho nuutanopaanahorapi
dRSte sam'moSaNe teSaam upaanadbhih prataaDanam. 7

yeSaam' Sam'moSaNe cittam' kim' tadaa darzane dhiyaa
govardhane kRtam' paapam' vajralepo bhaviSyati. 8

	aalokyate yadi harir manasaa, tatah kim'
	devaalayeSu gamanena, nirarthakam' tat
	naalokyate yadi harir manasaa, tatah kim'
	devaalayeSu gamanena, nirarthakam' tat. 9

	devaalayaad bahirathaasti manah kadaacit
	svopaanahostadiha kim' haridarzanena
	sam'tyajya sarvaviSayaan haripaadamuulam'
	sam'dRSyate yadi tadaiva sudarzanam' syaat. 10

govardhanagiricchatradaNDataam upayaati kah
gRdhraa ityuttaram' yasya tadevaasyottaram' bhavet. 11

antimasyaasya padyasya tattvam' jaananti ye budhaah
darzanam' saarthakam' teSaam' teSaam' vyaakaraNam' dRDham. 12

By the way the verse first quoted by Narayana S. Raja, found in Srirangam
seems to me to be an alteration of an original appearing in Skanda 
PuraaNa as follows:

aakaaazaat patitam' toyam' yathaa gacchati saagaram
sarvadevanamaskaarah kezavam' pratigacchati

If my estteemed friend Prof. Richard Solomon could not find the verses in 
the Epigraphia Indica, surely the ones discovered by me may also not be 
I write this from Prof. Benjamin Preciado's e-mail address. Any answer is 
welcome in this address.
Rasik Vihari Joshi.

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