Mac CS/CSX fonts??

Wed Sep 27 21:44:27 UTC 1995

Are there any Mac fonts out there in the public domain that are CS/CSX
encoded? I have the WNRI fonts, the Bitstream Charter fonts, and a new
set of CS/CSX outline fonts based on the Arial and Times NewRoman fonts,
but I am having some troubles getting these into Mac format (the basic
problem is that most converters are too smart, and so they know that an
IBM ANSI 224 is really an A-acute and hence remap it to the Mac standard
encoding for A-acute, which is  231. Hence all of the codepoints get 
changed around and presto! no more CS encoding. Sigh. I think I know what 
the problem is, but I wouldn't mind simply not dealing with it if some 
fonts already exist. . .

Jamie Hubbard, Smith College

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