David Magier magier at columbia.edu
Tue Sep 26 14:28:11 UTC 1995

This event announcement is being forwarded to listserv from the
EVENTS CALENDAR of The South Asia Gopher. Please contact event
organizers directly for any further information. Thank you.
David Magier

"The Uses of Visual Evidence in the Study of South Asia"
a workshop sponsored by

Independent Scholars of South Asia (ISOSA) and
Triangle South Asia Consortium (SAC)
at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-8101
26-28 January 1996

Nature of Workshop.  This interdisciplinary project on "The Uses of Visual
Evidence in the Study of South Asia" will examine how visual evidence and
visual culture of and about South Asia is created, manipulated, and
deployed in our scholarship.  The range of visual productions includes not
only the traditional preserves of art and art history (e.g., art,
architecture) but more contemporary modes (e.g., mass produced images,
popular culture, political symbols, film).  What constitutes the prevalent
'images' of South Asia?  How are they produced and reproduced?  How has
this visual culture been received and manipulated in the past and the
present by various agents and audiences, including rulers, the state,
religious groups, scholars, and the media?  To what extent are these
generated images projections of the present onto the past?  How have
traditional images changed in the fifty years since Independence?  And how
do emerging images situate themselves in this context?

Proposals.  This invitation to submit proposals for papers and/or panels is
open to all traditional disciplines, historical periods, and cultures of
South Asia.  We especially encourage panels that invite theoretical and
methodological excursions into previously disconnected areas.  Graduate
students, independent scholars, and faculty are equally encouraged to

Information.  Please contact:

Mary Beth Heston, Program Director
Independent Scholars of South Asia
Department of Art History
College of Charleston
Charleston, SC 29424
phone 803/953-6313;
fax 803/953-8212;
e-mail <HESTONM at cofc.edu>


Tony K. Stewart, Director
Triangle South Asia Consortium
Box 8101
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8101
phone 919/515-6335
fax 919/515-7856
e-mail <tony_stewart at ncsu.edu>.


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