Mnemonics in Ancient India

n.rao at n.rao at
Wed Sep 20 16:47:56 UTC 1995

>Shailendra Raj Mehta wrote

>PS. There was a thread a few weeks ago, dealing with the economic development
>or lack of it in various time periods in Indian history. If there is still some
>interest in this topic, I would like to post a few random remarks on this
>subject. Comparing Kautilya,  Abul Fazal, Fracis Buchanan and William Digby
>yields several interesting perspectives. In particular, the analysis by Shireen
>Mousavi of the Mughal period is stunning to say the least. Let me know if
>someone is interested. 

Dr. B. Narahari Rao
F.R. 5.1. Philosophie
Unversitaet des Saarlandes,
Postfach 15 11 50,
D-66041 Saarbrücken


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