Sanskrit phrase

torella at torella at
Thu Sep 14 22:41:33 UTC 1995

pratisenA, which has nothing to do with 'opposing army', is a special method
of divination (sometimes glossed with sAdhakacintA).See Sekoddeza vv.24ff.
and NAropA's TIkA thereon; see also KAlacakratantra Chapter V (MS).

With regards,

Raffaele Torella > 
> Has anyone else ever come across the term
> pratisenaa-aadars'a
> a literal translation would be something like
> "the opposing-army-mirror"
> The term cropped up in some tantric material describing a meditational
> process whereby the practitioner sees certain aspects of reality
> in this `mirror (that is like?) an opposing army.'  
> Jim Hartzell
> Columbia U.
> jh at

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