Meaning of Panini

Madhav Deshpande mmdesh at
Thu Oct 19 17:25:56 UTC 1995

You may consult the following publications whch deal with the linguistic 
side of Panini's locality:

1.  "Panini as a frontier grammarian."  Papers from the 19th Regional 
Meeting.  Chicago Linguistic Society, CLS, pp. 110-116, Chicago, 1983.

2.  "Linguistic Presuppositions of Panini 8.3.26-27." Proceedings of the 
International Seminar on Panini, pp. 23-42.  Pune:  Centre of Advanced 
Studies in Sanskrit, University of Poona, 1982

3.  "Panini and the Northwestern Dialect:  Some Suggestions on 
P.3.3.10."  In Languages and Cultures, Studies in Honor of Edgar C. 
Poloome, pp. 111-122, Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, 1988.

4.  "Sanskrit Grammarians:  Differing Perspectives in Cultural 
Geography."  Aligarh Journal of Oriental Studies, Vol. II, Nos. 1-2, pp. 
57-68, 1985.

	Madhav Deshpande

On Thu, 19 Oct 1995, Alfredo Villarroel wrote:

> >Let us not get carried away by the modern meaning of the word Pathan.
> >However, it is clear that Panini is called a resident of the town of
> >Shalaatura, which is identified with a locality near Peshawar.  I have
> >shown in some of my work that Panini exhibits his familiarity with the
> Could you indicate to me your work on Pa.ini. I will be interrested to read it.
> Thanks,
> Alfredo Villarroel
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> Alfredo Villarroel
> Max-Planck-Institut fuer medizinische Forschung
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