Help with source

LESTER ROBERT C lester at spot.Colorado.EDU
Wed Nov 29 16:14:55 UTC 1995

How about Khalil Gibran?

On Wed, 29 Nov 1995, L.S.Cousins wrote:

> I think I will be devil's advocate and propose that the claim that this is
> an old Sanskrit poem is either completely bogus or the poem is badly
> translated. It is of course difficult to prove a negative. Has anyone any
> evidence to the contrary ?
> >#>      Look to this day
> >#>      For yesterday is but a dream
> >#>      And tomorrow is only a vision.
> >#>      But today, well lived
> >#>      Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness
> >#>      And every tomorrow a vision of hope.
> >#>      Look well, therefore, to this day.
> Lance Cousins
> Email: mhcrxlc at

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