Sanskrit grammars

garzilli at HULAW1.HARVARD.EDU garzilli at HULAW1.HARVARD.EDU
Wed Nov 22 20:53:30 UTC 1995

On Tue, 21 Nov 1995, Leonard Van Der Kuijp wrote:

> Reading through biographies of two Tibetans who had studied in Bihar and 
> Nepal in the 1180s and 1190s, I came across titles of two Sanskrit 
> grammars which, despite looking into the standard reference works, 
> Scharfe, Cardona etc., I am not able to identify. The titles of the texts in 
> question are given in the following Tibetan transcription (sans 
> diacritics): Rajashri and Vyakaranalamkara. Is there anyone out there who 
> could help me out in their identification? An anticipatory many thanks.
> Leonard W.J. van der Kuijp

ALl the literature on the aspects of speech (of which the highest 
is para), on which Bhartrhari resorts to  in his Vakya Padiyam, is lost.
We know that Vyadi wrote a big work in a lack of granthas expounding 
Panini; Vasurata (the teacher of Bhartrhari) wrote a digest on the 
original Vyakaranagama (written by Ravana), on which the VP is based (on 
these two, VP II, Comm., 283-286); Bhartrhari wrote himself a commentary 
on the Mahabhasya which served as the basis of the Pradipa (Mahabhasya 
Pradipa, 538). 
I know this is commentarial literature and not alamkara.
But I associated the facts that Bhartrhari is from Northern India; 
according to I-ching he was Buddhist and died around the beginning of the 
VII cent.; his grammatical works and those of his precedessors -- used by 
him for his philosophical speculations -- are lost; according to I-ching 
B. 7 times went to a monastery in order to become  a monk and threfore, 
in the VII century the grammarian Bhartrhari and the poet Bhartrhari were 
considered one person. 
Can all this be a track?



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