Annual Jain Lectures

S Jain skjain at
Fri Nov 10 01:18:29 UTC 1995

Having received several requests for further information about 
Annual Jain Memorial lectures at selected Ontario universities 
I am pleased to offer the following: 

The annual Jain lectures, endowed by a Jain family (who are
also the original donors/sponsors of the Jaina studies program at the
UofToronto), began at the University of Toronto in 1990. The inaugural
lecture was given by Dr. Padmanabh Jaini (University of California).
Since then there have been six lectures. Not all the delivered lectures
have been published. The two that have been published are marked
with *. To obtain copies of these lectures please contact: 

	Dr. N. K. Wagle,
	Centre for South Asian Studies
	University of Toronto
	Toronto, Ont., M5S 1A1

List of Shri Roop Lal Jain Memorial Lectures (at UofToronto):

1. Jaini, Padmanabh (1990) "Ahimsa: a Jain way of personal discipline";
2. Granoff, Phyllis (1991) " Being in the minority: Medieval Jain 
	attitudes towards other religion";
*3. Zydenbos, Robert (1992) "The conccept of divinity in Jainism";
4. Quarnstrom, Olle (1993)
*5 Cort, John E. (1994) "Defining Jainism: Reform in the Jain tradition";
6. Soni, Jayandra (1995) "The Notion of Trustworthiness (aapta) in Jain
	philosophy" (to be delivered on Nov. 25).


Re: Jaina Studies Program at UofToronto.
The instructor for this year's course (The Jain religious tradition) is Dr. 
Peter Masefield of Monash University (Australia). In years before the 
course has been offered by Dr. Joseph O'Connell (St. Michael's College), 
Robert Zydenbos (of the Netherlands), and Olle Quarnstrom (Univ. of Lund).


In addition to the endowments at the UofToronto the Jain family has also 
established an Annual Dr. Chander Mohan Jain Memorial Lecture at the 
University of Western Ontario (London). So far there have been two 
lectures. The last was one was:

Christopher Chapple, (1995) "Non-violence in Jainism and its impact on 
Asian Civilization".

For further information write to:

	The Dean of Theology,
	Huron College,
	University of Western Ontario,
	London, Ont., Canada
The Jain family has also negotiated with the University of Windsor for 
the establishment of an annual Jain lecture under the auspices of the 
Department of Religious Studies.

It is hoped that interest in Jainism and Jain studies will increase 
through such efforts.



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