Anglo-Indian Literature in India

Allen Thrasher athr at
Thu Nov 2 21:59:01 UTC 1995

The American College, Madurai has a very extensive collection of 
Anglo-Indian or Indo-Anglian literature, which is on a computer catalog 
which will be hooked up to internet in a few months.  Mr. Gnanaprahasam 
Reuben, a librarian at its Daniel Poor Memorial Library is on a Fulbright 
grant here at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science of 
Simmons College and was by the Library of Congress on a tour a couple of 
weeks ago. 

I called up Fulbright which seems to have a policy against giving out 
people's current addresses and his contact there said she would pass on 
to Mr. Reuben the fact that I was trying to contact for a researcher.

A quick search of the World of Learning and a couple of other reference 
books fails to turn up anything under American College Madurai or Madurai 
American College.  I'll wait to hear from Mr. Reuben before further 
pursuing the address in reference books.

Allen W. Thrasher

Senior Reference Librarian
Southern Asia Section
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540-4774
tel. 202-707-5600
fax  202-707-1724
Email: athr at

On Thu, 2 Nov 1995, Axel Michaels wrote:

> Dear fellow-indologists,
> could anybody of you let me know which universities in India 
> research on Anglo-Indian Literature is prominent? Some names and adresses 
> (possibly with e-mail connections) would suffice. Thanks in advance.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Prof.Dr. Axel Michaels
> Universit{t Bern
> Institut f}r Religionswissenschaft
> Lerchenweg 36
> CH-3000 Bern 9
> Tel.: (0041)(0)31 631 80 62, Fax.: (0041)(0)31 631 35 51
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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