Dravidians of Bharat vs Branch Dravidians

rwl at uts.cc.utexas.edu rwl at uts.cc.utexas.edu
Sat May 27 00:05:37 UTC 1995

No, Purushottam, I think the name comes from the practice of some older
elements in Texas society of a ritual activity involving drinking bourbon
and *branch* water (cf. the career of Sam Rayburn).  I'm pretty sure there
is no connection between that and any Hebrew traditions.  What I would like
to know relates to the place names--is there any connection between Waco
and the common English slang term "whacko".  I know that Baylor University
is located there, but that may bring us back to "oxymoron."  What do you

>It's like asking, what is the conn ection between oxymoron and oxygen? It
>is Branch Dravid anyway, which is from Hebrew and not of any Dravidic or
>Indo-European stock as far as I can tell.
>On Fri, 26 May 1995, Bakul I. Dalal MD FRCPC FACP FASCP wrote:
>> What is the origin of the the Branch Dravidian group of Texas? Any relation
>> to the Dravidian people of India?
>> Bakul I. Dalal MD FRCPC FCAP
>> Division of Hematopathology, LSP1
>> Vancouver Hospital and Health Sciences Center,
>> 910 West 10th Avenue,
>> Vancouver, BC, CANADA


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