Sememe: ayana; sun and property

Aditya, The Hindu Skeptic a018967t at
Wed Jun 7 20:22:27 UTC 1995

On Wed, 7 Jun 1995, Dominik Wujastyk wrote:
> Dear Dr Kalyanaraman, 
> step, for every phonological change you mention.  It isn't good enough
> to throw every word that reminds you of anything similar together in a heap
> and call it an argument.  And your current posting seems to me --
> an ignorant outsider -- to be just like that.

I was on vacation therefore cannot comment on the original post which I 
have not seen but I do highly disapprove the use of words "ignorant outsider"
howsoever illogical Dr Kalyanraman's comments may have been but he must have
some credentials to have earned a doctorate and does not deserve ad 
hominem invectives.

I am also aware of the fact that Dominik is a (the?) founder of this 
mailing list and may control whatever gets posted here.
I would like to know what motivates people not connected with Indian 
heritage to study "indian scriptures" in the first place. Do they 
consider this study a part of anthropology and/or a  study of primitive
cultures in their attempt to look down the Indian culture and religions 
in general?

Is it not a fact  that the study of Indology in the west was originally 
conducted only by christian missionaries who just wanted to ridicule the 
Indian religions in order to covert the local population into still more 
irrational christian faith?

As is obvious from my mail header, I am not a fanatic of any religion but 
would not like any one religion being criticized by believers of whatever 
other faiths. I am also not a supporter of BJP or Hindutva philosophy and 
more at odds with them than most Indians or Westerners themselves. 

  Aditya Mishra          | The opinions expressed herein are absolutely *
Phone/FAX 305-746-0442   | not immutable and might have already changed *
Internet: aditya at| by time you read them due to the new evidence*
Prodigy:  TVDS96A        | or data that has come to my attention.       *

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