Sememe: ayana; sun and property

Narayan S. Raja raja at galileo.IFA.Hawaii.Edu
Wed Jun 7 21:49:53 UTC 1995

Maybe Dr. Kalyanaraman is just following up
a hunch, or the tenuous beginnings of a new idea,
in looking for possible links between those
etyma.  That's what research (as opposed to
literature review) is all about, I thought.

After all, if Dominik can jump to conclusions,
why not give Dr. Kalyanaraman the same privilege?

The link between Dr. Kalyanaraman's query,
on the one hand, and Hindu fanatics, on the 
other hand, (as postulated by Dominik) seems
more tenuous to me than possible relationships 
between Sanskrit, Tamil, and Arabic (about
which Dr. Kalyanaraman merely asked a question).


Narayan Sriranga Raja.


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