Tamil: Naalaayira Divya Prabandham

Mani Varadarajan mani at srirangam.esd.sgi.com
Mon Jan 23 22:46:38 UTC 1995

I got the following message from Parthasarathy Dileepan
(email: mfpd at utcvm.utc.edu).  For those of you who may
not know, the Azhvaars are Tamil Vaishnava poet-saints 
who lived between the 6th and 10th centuries C.E. and 
represent in many senses the foundations of the bhakti
cult in India.

Please email Mr. Dileepan or myself if you have any
information about a possible FTP home for these e-texts.

Mani 	mani at sgi.com

------- start of forwarded message (RFC 934 encapsulation) -------
Dear participants,
I will be posting the following in SCT today.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions
about possible FTP home for the prabhandam.

Thank you.

regards,  Dileepan

- ---------------------------
It is with great pleasure and satisfaction that
I wish to announce, on behalf of the eighteen
participants, the completion of the naalaayira
dhivya prabhandam project.

The collection includes the following:

I. paasurams
- ------------
(1)  all the paasurams of the 12 aazhvaars,
(2)  108 paasurams of iraamaanusa nooRRandhaathi by
     thiruvarangatthamudhanaar, in praise of sri raamaanujaa,
(3)  18 paasurams of prabhanda saaram by sri vEdhaantha
     dEsikan, in praise of the 12 aazhvaars and the prabhandam, and
(4)  100 paasurams of thiruvaaymozhi nooRRandhaathi by sri
     maNavaaLa maamunigaL, in praise of nammaazhvaar's
     thiruvaay mozhi.

II. Other files:
- ----------------
(1)  Dr. K. Srinivasan's TAMILVU.EXE software for working
     with the files containing the paasurams.  This software
     allows key word searches, gathering paasurams with key-
     word search, printing, etc.,
(2)  README.TXT file containing information about the collection,
(3)  AAZHVAAR.TXT file containing short biography about each of
     the twelve aazhvaars, and
(4)  FLIST.TXT file containing the names of the paasuram files
     for use with TAMILVU.EXE.

The complete set of 53 files in pk-zipped format is 444K.  I am
looking for an FTP home for this file.  I would appreciate any
suggestions and recommendations.  Thank you.
------- end -------

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