Tamil dictionary dispute

Dominik Wujastyk dom at uclblr.iisc.ernet.in
Wed Jan 18 23:01:52 UTC 1995

Dear Dr Malten,

Thank you for your message about the Tamil dictionary dispute.  It
clarifies the issues, and suggests to me, an outsider, that the matter
should be susceptible of ready resolution by experts.  (Unfortunately
that is not the normal way with Indian courts.)  I am sure that I speak
for many people when I sincerely hope the matter can be resolved quickly
and -- is it too much to hope? -- amicably.


Dr Dominik Wujastyk     |  Email:          dom at vigyan.iisc.ernet.in
Tel:   +91-80-843-5320  |  NB: if you have
              or -5249  |  trouble mailing
                        |  to this address,
                        |  try:            d.wujastyk at ucl.ac.uk


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