Prof. Bandaranayake at UCLA

robert l brown IBENBNW at MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU
Sat Feb 25 19:23:00 UTC 1995

Dr. Senake Bandaranakayake, Professor of Archaeology at the University of
Kelaniya in Sri Lanka, and Director of the UNESCO Sri Lanka Cultural Triangle
Project, Sigiriya, will be at UCLA for one week (March 13-17) giving three
seminars and one public lecture.  The public is welcome to all events:
                Public Lecture:  "The Art and Archaeology of Sigiriya, Sri
                                 Lanka (Fifth Century A.D."
                                 Tuesday, March 14, 7:00 pm
                                 Dickson Art Center, 3273

                Seminars:  1-"Buddhist Architecture of the Anuradhapura Period
                             (Third Century BC-Tenth Century AD)"
                             Monday, March 13, 4:00-6:00
                             Dickson Art Center, 4260
                           2-"Urbanization in Ancient Sri Lanka"
                             Wednesday, March 15,5:00-7:00
                             Dickson Art Center, 4257
                           3-"The Archaeology of Sigiriya (Fifth Centry AD)"
                             Friday, March 17, 4:00-6:00
                             Dickson Art Center, 4260
For information, call Robert L. Brown, (310) 825-3577, fax. (310) 206-1903

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