An Indian-Muslim's Ethnie

Lance Nelson lnelson at
Mon Dec 11 15:40:05 UTC 1995

On Mon, 11 Dec 1995, Yvette C. Rosser wrote:

> Islamic leaders in
> India cling to their out-dated medieval Shari'a laws which are so
> conservative that they are no longer even used most Islamisized countries.
> If India is to move forward towards pluralism and freedom and justice for
> all (Amen) then the leaders of her largest minority need to be forward
> thinking and promote the fact that the form of Islam practiced in India is
> unique and therefore indigenous.

Is not the revival and implementation of Shari'a laws, and thus the 
Islamicization of the state infofar as possible, a central concern of the 
Islamic radicalism that has spread through the Muslim world of late?
If so, we can surely *not* expect India's Muslim leaders to be immune from
this trend of thought.  Have any studies been done of the influence of 
Islamic radicalism in India?

Lance Nelson
Religious Studies
University of San Diego
lnelson at


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