sh/Z (was: Poverty)

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at
Thu Aug 24 14:15:41 UTC 1995

Henry Groover said:
> I'm also curious about this.  I thought CSX encoding used sh for the first
> and shh for the second.  The only table I've seen for 7-bit ICSS encoding
> comes from itrans documentation by Avinash Chopde.

CSX encoding is 8-bit, with one Sanskrit letter = one code point.  So
with the right screen/printer fonts you can type it and see the properly
accented characters as you go.  The sh, shh, encodings you mention are
nothing to do with CSX.

There is a 7-bit encoding for Devanagari that is used in Frans
Velthuis's Devanagari system for TeX and, being simple and logical, it
is sometimes used in email too.  In Frans's system, the palatal sibilant
is "s, and the retroflex is .s where the quotes and dot are not
punctuation, but parts of the digraph.



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