Burning Glasses in Ancient India

James L. Fitzgerald PA114508 at UTKVM1.UTK.EDU
Sat Apr 22 20:04:30 UTC 1995

A hearty 'Thank you' to all who have responded to my request for information
on burning glasses in ancient India.  Professor Witzel's reference to
the Rau piece looks especially promising.  I believe I missed some
postings in response to my post, for my host computer went down for 24
hours shortly after I sent the item and the item itself never came to me.
I am going to have to search out the command to recover the missing
posts from the list-server archive.  If you sent me a personal response
and do not hear from me in the next day or two, could I ask you please to
retransmit it?

Thanks, Jim Fitzgerald

James L. Fitzgerald               Home     8708 Kingsridge Dr.
Dept of Religious Studies                  Knoxville, TN 37923
University of Tennessee                    615-539-2881
Knoxville, TN 37996-0450                   email:pa114508 at utkvm1.utk.edu
Phone:  615-974-2467    Fax  615-974-0965


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