Voice of India postings

purushottama bilimoria pbilmo at deakin.edu.au
Thu Apr 20 08:47:32 UTC 1995


On Sun, 16 Apr 1995, Aditya, The Hindu Skeptic wrote:

> Many of you who requested may have received a rather voluminous thesis by 
> some one named Elst. 
> I would like to know if any of you had ever heard his name before and 
> what are his credentials and background to write such a tome.
> *************************************************************************
>   Aditya Mishra          | The opinions expressed herein are absolutely *
> Phone/FAX 305-746-0442   | not immutable and might have already changed *
> Internet: aditya at gate.net| by time you read them due to the new evidence*
> Prodigy:  TVDS96A        | or data that has come to my attention.       *
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