Conventions of Indian calendars

Aditya, The Hindu Skeptic a018967t at
Sun Apr 16 13:34:29 UTC 1995

On Sun, 16 Apr 1995, Dominik Wujastyk wrote:

> I have never heard that there was any variation in the calendrical
> convention that sukla precedes krsna.  As far as I know, that's
> universal.
There is of course a dichotomy in the calendar system. The lunar months 
Chait, Vaisakh etc have two fortnights and first one is Shukla Paksa and 
the second is the Krisna Paksa but the new year start in the first day of 
the Krisna Paksa of Chaitra so that first half of Chaitra is in the 
previous year and the second Paksa is in the new Year.
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