JBE Call for Papers

hsa01dk at goldsmiths.ac.uk hsa01dk at goldsmiths.ac.uk
Fri Sep 9 12:27:44 UTC 1994


                        (ISSN: 1076-9005)

The newly established Journal of Buddhist Ethics is pleased to
announce its very first CALL FOR PAPERS.

Damien Keown, University of London, Goldsmiths
Charles S. Prebish, Pennsylvania State University
Wayne Husted, Pennsylvania State University

Masao Abe, Nara University (Emeritus)
George Bond, Northwestern University
David Chappell, University of Hawaii
Richard Gombrich, Oxford University
Charles Hallisey, Harvard University
Richard Hayes, McGill University
Christopher Ives, University of Puget Sound
Leslie Kawamura, University of Calgary
Winston King, Vanderbilt University (Emeritus)
Reginald Ray, University of Colorado
Robert Thurman, Columbia University
Paul Williams, University of Bristol

The Journal of Buddhist Ethics has been established to promote the
study of Buddhist ethics through the publication of research
papers, discussion articles, bulletins, and reviews.

The Journal of Buddhist Ethics is the first academic journal
dedicated entirely to Buddhist ethics, and is innovative in
adopting a totally electronic mode of publication. Research papers
and discussion articles submitted to the journal will be subject to
blind peer review.

The Journal of Buddhist Ethics interprets "ethics" as including
subject matter in the ten areas listed below. Upon request, the
editors will offer consultation to authors on the appropriateness
of potential submissions.

Vinaya and Jurisprudence

Research into all aspects of Buddhist monastic discipline. The
origins and development of the Vinaya; its categories, structure,
and organization; provisions on specific matters; comparative
studies of the Vinayas of different schools; legal and
jurisprudential principles.

Medical Ethics

Issues in contemporary medical ethics and biotechnology; abortion,
embryo research, reproductive technologies (IVF, AID etc) and
genetic engineering; AIDS; organ transplants; resource allocation;
informed consent; coma patients and the persistent vegetative
state; criminal and medical law; suicide; defining death; terminal
care and euthanasia; state medicine and health policy.

Philosophical Ethics

Theories of ethics and metaethics; patterns of justification;
teleological, deontological, and consequentialist theories;
situation ethics; the quality of life; the value of life;
personhood; ethics and human good; natural law; the status of moral
norms; moral absolutes; "skilful means;" moral obligations;
altruism and compassion.

Human Rights

The Buddhist basis for a doctrine of human rights and its
provisions; the concept of "rights" in Buddhism; fundamental rights
of individuals; autonomy and self-determination; human dignity;
equality; justice; freedom; privacy; the protection of rights;
women's rights; international codes, charters, and declarations;
human rights abuses in Buddhist cultures.

Ethics and Psychology

The relationship between psychology and moral conduct; the
psychology of moral judgments; the analysis of ethical terminology
in the Abhidharma and elsewhere; the concepts of motive, intention,
will, virtue, and character; the emotions; desire; love; moral
choice and self-determination; related issues in philosophical

Ecology, Animals and the Environment

Responsibilities and obligations toward nature; animal rights; the
moral status of animals and non-sentient life; experimentation on
animals; philosophy of biology; speciesism; evolution; future
generations; the relationship between Buddhist and other
environmental philosophies.

Social and Political Philosophy

The Buddhist blueprint for a just society; the nature and role of
the state; rights and duties of governments and citizens; democracy
and alternative political systems; socialism, communism and
capitalism; social, educational and welfare provisions; Buddhist
law; law and ethics; Buddhism and war; nuclear warfare; revolution;
capital punishment; justifiable killing; pacifism.

Ethics and Anthropology

Ethics in practice in Buddhist societies; ethics and social mores;
the influence of indigenous customs and attitudes on moral
teachings; rites de passage; variation in marriage and other
customs; the great tradition and the little tradition; moral
relativism; cultural pluralism.

Cross-cultural Ethics

Buddhism and comparative religious ethics; methodologies for the
study of Buddhist ethics.

Interfaith Dialogue

Similarities and differences between Buddhism and other world
religions in the field of ethics; the basis for dialogue; ethics
and metaphysics; hermeneutics and the derivation of moral norms
from scripture.

The Journal of Buddhist Ethics publishes material in the following
four categories:

1) Research Papers (5,000 words and over)
2) Discussion Articles (2,000 words or less)
3) Bulletins (1,000 words or less).
4) Book Reviews

Authors should send submissions directly to either of the General
Editors at the addresses listed below:

     Dr. Damien Keown
     Department of Historical & Cultural Studies
     University of London, Goldsmiths' College
     London SE14 6NW
     United Kingdom
     Internet e-mail:
     hsa01dk at scorpio.goldsmiths.ac.uk
     Professor Charles S. Prebish
     The Pennsylvania State University
     Religious Studies Program
     108 Weaver Building
     University Park, Pennsylvania 16802-5500
     Internet e-mail: csp1 at psuvm.psu.edu

The journal's procedures are designed to make the submission of
material as simple as possible. Any questions regarding submissions
may be sent directly to the General Editors.

Submissions of all kinds be sent either electronically or through
the normal postal service on computer diskette (DOS-formatted 5.25"
or 3.5" disks) to.

To make a submission, follow these three steps:

A. After preparing your article, save it in a popular word-
processing format such as WordPerfect or Microsoft Word. Do not
worry unduly about diacriticals at this stage. If your article is
accepted, the editors will contact you with information about how
these should be shown in the published text.

B. Save a second copy of the article as an ASCII file, using the
extension *.txt (for example, Myfile.txt). The option to save in
ASCII format will normally be found under "Save As. . ." on your
word-processor's "File" menu.

C. Send both files to the journal.

Submissions to the journal on diskette will not be returned unless
accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope or mailer. The
Journal of Buddhist Ethics cannot be held responsible for loss of
or damage to unsolicited material.

Accompanying Information

1. Details of Submission

Each submission should contain a header describing:

    a) Category of submission:    Research Paper, Discussion
                                  Article, Bulletin, or Review.
    b) Title:                     Title of Submission
    c) Author(s):                 A.N. Author
    d) Word length:               6,500 words
    e) Date of submission:        1 November 1994
    f) Address:                   Name of Institution
                                  Name of Department
                                  Full Postal Address
                                  E-Mail Address
                                  Telephone Number

2. Abstract

For Research Papers and Discussion Articles ONLY, please include an
outline of the subject matter not exceeding 150 words in length.

The editors welcome your questions, comments, and suggestions.
Please feel free to send e-mail to the following address:

                 jbe-ed at psu.edu
Damien Keown hsa01dk at gold.ac.uk
Department of Historical & Cultural Studies
University of London, Goldsmiths
London UK, SE14 6NW                                                    
Voice (+44)  071 692 7171 Ext.2153
Fax:   (+44)  071 694 8911


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