Questions concerning Classical Indology: Help Wanted

mhcrxlc at mhcrxlc at
Wed Oct 12 23:20:01 UTC 1994

>3       I have investigated the word vaiyaap.rtyakara (v.l.
>vaiyaav.rtyakara, vaiyaav.rttyakara, vaiyaav.rttikara, vaiyaapatyakara
>etc.).  The word is not common, apparently, in Buddhist sources, but occurs
>in the text I am studying (_Ratnaraa'sisuutra_) in the meaning of
>"supervisor."  It occurs e.g. in Kautilya but apparently in a (somewhat)
>different sense.  MW cites the word vaiyaav.rttyakara from _Kalpasuutra_
>(which refers to what, exactly?) and _Naaradasm.rti_.  Can anyone confirm
>these instances (e.g. the learned editor of the latter)?  In addition, the
>word occurs in _Mankhako'sa_ 454c, and the commentary (Zachariae 1897: 60)
>refers to or quotes _Bhalla.ta'sataka_ 37.  What is this?  According to
>S.B. Deo (History of Jaina Monachism p. 371) the _Oghaniryukti_ commentary
>explains v.r.sabha as viayaav.rtyakara.nasamartha.h.  I do not have any
>access to this text.  Can anyone check this reference?

My PTS Dictionary gives the Jaataka and the Vimaanavatthu Commentary as
references for veyyaavaccakara: J iii 327 and VvA 349. I can not check
these references, although going by Masefield's translation it appears to
be used to explain pesiyo. It occurs more than eight times in the Vinaya
commentary. See Samantapaasaadikaa Vol VIII = Index Vol. The sense in Pali
seems to be someone who performs service e.g. a lay helper for monks
(kappiyakaaraka), but I have not checked all the references.

I hope this may be of some help.

Lance Cousins

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