Modern Indian History

Peter_Scharf at Peter_Scharf at
Tue Oct 4 05:49:13 UTC 1994

Thank you for the responses to our request for information regarding
specialists in Moder Indian History and International Relations involving
South Asia.  Let me clarify something regarding our message which read as

"The South Asia Faculty Committee at Brown University seeks information
regarding specialists in Modern Indian History and International Relations
involving South Asia interested in teaching the subject at the Assistant
Professor level.  The committee may seek further information from
respondents.  Specialists in this field are requested to please send a
current curriculum vitae to arrive before the last week of October to: ...
Those knowing specialists who may not access this network are requested to
pass on this request for information or to e-mail information about
qualified specialists an how to contact them to me.  Thank you."

The South Asia Faculty Committee does not have a position; it does not
forsee having a position; it is not a search committee nor a department; it
is not posting a job announcement, nor is it requesting applications.  The
members of this committee are seeking information for internal purposes.
"What internal purposes?" you might ask.  Let's say we would like to become
well informed so that we can make an informed suggestion to other offices
at Brown.  I do hope this doesn't dampen the enthusiastic response we have
received so far.  We have the best interests of the discipline at heart.
Please do continue to send us appropriate curriculum vitae.

Send the curricula vitae to

        Dr. Peter M. Scharf
        Department of the History of Mathematics
        Brown University
        PO Box 1900
        Providence, RI 02912

Alternatively, they may e-mail the same to me.


Peter M. Scharf
Peter_Scharf at


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