H-ASIA: Inspired revisionism-Hist. of India (LONG) (fwd)

pslvax!sadhu at UCSD.EDU pslvax!sadhu at UCSD.EDU
Mon Nov 28 23:09:15 UTC 1994

| Frank F. Conlon wrote:
| At any rate, I have included in this posting, the copyrighted
| introduction and editorial to the "Time Line", and instructions
| how interested historians may e-mail for the detailed contents of
| this production.  The ideas put forward in this publication will
| be read, and in many instances, believed, by many.  It is NOT my
| purpose to encourage a "flame war"--there are other venues for
| that.  This posting is for the information of professional
| scholars of South Asia, who may be bemused by the intelligence
| that history is irrelevant, but must be corrected.


FYI, the editors of Hinduism Today welcome letters by email.   You may
write to :
		hinduism at mcimail.com

In addition to the email server mentioned by Dr. Conlan, you can also
access the current issue of Hinduism Today on WWW at:


The timeline articles are also available by anonymous FTP from the ANU
Coombspapers archive, for which there are several well known links,
including the SAG Gopher at Columbia.

Congenial regards,
Sadhunathan Nadesan
HT Electronic Postmaster


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