[T. Matthew Ciolek <tmciolek at coombs.anu.edu.au>: Current WWW

David Magier magier at columbia.edu
Thu Nov 10 22:04:40 UTC 1994

> On Thu, 10 Nov 1994 11:14:56 GMT  David Magier wrote:
> >FYI. I will put links pointing  to these and other South Asia World
> >Wide Web resources onto The South Asia Gopher in the near future.
> >
> >David Magier
> Do you mind if I add them to the gopher server here?
> Thanks
> Alan Thew

Not at all. In fact, this kind of mirroring and cross-referencing of
internet resources benefits the whole community of scholars, since it
makes the info even more accessible and spreads the burden of
providing access (which also helps ensure better responsiveness from
the server machines themselves).

David Magier

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