Sabhaparvan text now available

Dominik Wujastyk D.Wujastyk at
Fri May 6 23:17:49 UTC 1994

Thanks to the generosity of Barend van Nooten, the machine-readable text of
the sabhaa parvan of the Mahaabhaarata is now available to INDOLOGY members
(and others).  The file is available for anonymous ftp (or gopher) from
"", in directory /public/users/ucgadkw/indology, and is called

The file is also available by email from the INDOLOGY file server (send the
message "help" to the address "listserv at" to find out how to
order a file by email).

I'm sure this text will be of enormous use and importance to researchers
interested many aspects of Sanskrit language and literature, and we all owe
a tremendous vote of thanks to Bart for his Herculean labours in preparing
this file.

I append part of the readme.1st file that accompanies the text.



        Information about the electronic texts SABHA.PAD and SABHA.SAN

        The text on this diskette is that of the Sabh!parvan of the
Mahabharata published as part of the Critical Edition of the Mahabharata in
Poona, 1944. (THE SABHAPARVAN, ... critically edited by Franklin Edgerton,
Poona, Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1944).  The encoding was
done largely by myself in 1964.  As the Sanskrit words were entered I added
codes to allow external sandhi resolution.  This is the text found in the
file: SABHA.SAN.  Subsequently, I wrote a program to convert the text to a
second text, SABHA.PAD, where the external sandhi was resolved.  The second
text lends itself to making glossaries and indexes.

        The following codes were used:

[ ... section deleted since 8-bit characters are used]

        The text is here presented in the Vienna 1990 code.  For your
convenience, I have added a filter I wrote, INT2PC.SG, which lists every
letter of the Vienna code in the form of its ASCII number, followed by an
equal-sign.  The filter is a plain ASCII file.  If you use a system
different than the Vienna code on your own computer, then you can edit the
filter and enter the ASCII numbers that you use on your own PC, after the
equal-signs.  You can then use the filter to convert the Sabha text within
a few seconds to a text encoded in your private alphabet.  The command line


 The program SG.EXE is also included.  The converted text will be in the

================================== end of readme.1st file =================
Dominik Wujastyk           Phone (and voice messages): +44 71 611 8467
Wellcome Institute, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE.

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