position in hindu studies

ORR at Vax2.Concordia.CA ORR at Vax2.Concordia.CA
Mon Jan 31 11:46:13 UTC 1994

Concordia University's Department of Religion invites applications for
an endowed Chair in Hindu Studies.  A search committee has been struck to
examine dossiers of candidates for a tenure track position at a senior
level.  The appointment will commence on June 1, 1994.  Candidates should
have a Ph.D. degree and a significant record of publications.  There
should be expertise in Hindu philosophy with some experience in comparative
religion and the social scientific study of religion.  The candidate is
epected to contribute as well to the intellectual and cultural life of the
Montreal Hindu community.  The search will continue until the position is
filled.  Submit CV and letters of recommendation to Michel Despland, Acting
Chair, Department of Religion, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve
blvd West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8 (phone 514-848-2066).  Although
the deadline for applications has passed, if you are interested in making
an application, you may contact Professor Despland by telephone, or Leslie
Orr by email (orr at vax2.concordia.ca) as soon as possible.

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