telnet india

David Magier magier at
Sun Dec 18 12:42:28 UTC 1994

> Hello, could anybody give me some information on public telnet connections in
> India (e.g. login as a "guest").

I recommend you check out the INTERNET CONNECTIONS IN THE INDIAN
SUBCONTINENT menu within the South Asia Gopher. You can reach the
latter as follows:

Simply gopher to: < 71>; and then navigate down
through the menus as follows (Be sure to use port 71):

If you have gopher client software, use the following pointer ('bookmark'):
	Name=The South Asia Gopher


Simply telnet to: <>. Once connected to
Columbianet, select the menu item marked "CLIO Plus." Within that menu,
you'll find an item on the list labelled "SELECTED TOPICS: Internet
Resources By Subject" Select that one, and within it you'll find the South
Asia Gopher! 


If you use MOSAIC or Lynx or other web-browser, use this URL: 

please contact David Magier                 magier at

> From dom at 18 94 Dec EST 20:56:06
Date: 18 Dec 94 20:56:06 EST (Sun)
From: dom at
Subject: The best transliteration scheme for Sanskrit etc.

There is, of course, no such thing, any more than there is a best 
grammar of Sanskrit, or a best introductory reader, etc. (except
that Macdonnell *is* the best grammar, and Lanman *is* the best reader :-)

There are many, many rational and useful input schemes for Sanskrit, 
and there is really no ground for judging one better than another.
As long as a system is unambiguous, it is good.  

If you want to promote one scheme over another (I don't) then you should
at the outset make clear whether you are using a 7-bit or an 8-bit
or a 16-bit character set, and why you have made this choice.  Then you
have to make clear whether your scheme uses di-graphs or tri-graphs
to represent single Indic characters.  Finally, you must indicate whether
your chosen scheme permits or requires code-switching, and what the 
code-switch character is.  I.e., is "a" in English language represented
by the same code-point (character number) as "a" in Sanskrit, say.  If so,
then when mixing English and Sanskrit you must have a marker to say
"here endeth the English and here beginneth the Sanskrit" and vice versa.
If none of the characters do double duty (like IISCI) then you don't need
to switch codes in this way.


So let us all enjoy the wide variety of input schemes for Sanskrit, and 
use the many tools available for switching from one to another.

If you intend to distribute texts in bulk, then please make your coding
scheme publicly documented, as have the Kyoto group, the Vienna group (CSX)
and Peter Schreiner, etc.


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