A list of South Asian language fonts

hal_computer at earthlink.net hal_computer at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 8 09:43:00 UTC 1994

For the information of Frances Pritchett and all others interested in 
South Asian Language fonts, there is a set of excellent (very elegant)
Devnagari and Bengali fonts developed by Dr. Prasun Kr. De of Los Angeles, 
teacher of Sanskrit at the Sri Aurobindo Center of Los Angeles and of 
Bengali at the Vedanta Center. Following Frances' format, the specs. on the 
fonts are: 

AUTHOR:  De, Dr. Prasun K. 
LANGUAGES:  Sanskrit: "Devnagari"; Bengali : "Bangalekhon";
            Transliteration :  "Vedalipi".
PRICE:  $100 per font; $65 for students working with South Asian             
 languages (further need-based concession possible) - proceeds
        are donated to non-profit spiritual organizations.
OPERATING SYSTEM:  Macintosh, Windows 3.1 and above
COMMENT: These are TrueType and Postscript scalable laser fonts that         
  work with any Macintosh or Windows application in all 
         available styles and are very pleasing (artistic) in printed
         form. Keyboard is mapped using a scheme that makes for ease
         and facility of operation and learning. 
INFORMATION: For further information, contact Debashish Banerji at 
         (818)362-6313 or e-mail hal_computer at earthlink.net


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