Call for Papers: Language and Prehistory in South Asia

David Stampe stampe at uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu
Thu Dec 1 02:31:22 UTC 1994

The Center for South Asian Studies, School of Hawai`ian, Asian and
Pacific Studies, University of Hawai`i, announces its Eleventh Annual
Spring Symposium entitled LANGUAGE AND PREHISTORY IN SOUTH ASIA, to be
held March 20 & 21, 1995 (Monday and Tuesday) from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
on the University of Hawai`i at Manoa campus.

Papers are invited up to thirty minutes in length, focusing on any
aspect of the structure, use, and history of any of the modern or
classical languages of South Asia (including Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, India, Maldives, Pakistan, Sikkim, Sri Lanka, and Tibet) as
well as relationships and contacts among the languages of this area
and between these languages and the languages of mainland and insular
South East Asia, East Asia, Central Asia, Western Asia, Africa or the
Pacific Islands (e.g. Fiji).  The proceedings will be published in
Summer or Fall 1995.

Abstracts (one copy, one page, not anonymous) should be received by
Dec. 31, 1994, by Karina Bingham, Symposium Coordinator, Center for
South Asian Studies, Moore Hall 416, University of Hawai`i/Manoa,
Honolulu, HI 96822.  Acceptances will be announced by Jan. 14, 1995.

For more information, contact Dr. Lawrence A. Reid, Dept. of
Linguistics, (808)956-3223 or reid at

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