
Tue Aug 9 02:46:15 UTC 1994

 The recent posting by M. Sweet on napumsaka and the answers
 by G. Tubb and G. Cardona, who already has given the
 correct Paninean answer, reminded me of my first or second
 year Sanskrit with P. Thieme or K. Hoffmann. Well, it is
 Wackernagel via Hoffmann. Cases like napuMsaka are, of
 course, not isolated at all.

 The matter is discussed in some detail in the additions to
 Jakob Wackernagel, Altindische Grammatik, Vol. II,1:
 Einleitung zur Wortlehre, Goettingen: Vandenhoeck &
 Ruprecht 1905/1957, p. 26 l. 16, additions: A. Debrunner,
 Nachtraege zu Band II 1, Goettingen 1957, p. 9: referring
 to an article by Wackernagel himself in Zeitschrift fuer
 vergleichende Sprachforschung (KZ 67, 164 sq. etc.). He
 also points out that na'-strii-puma-m is Vedic and found
 Taittiriya Brahmana (see TB, "all males, all
 females, and all those neither male or female").

 As for Panini, he points to Renou, Terminologie
 linguistique (rather: T. grammaticale du Sanskrit, Paris
 1942) 2,58, s.v. madhyamapadalopa: leaving out the middle
 part of a three member compound, etc. etc. 

 Such information is most quickly retrieved if one looks up
 Richard Hauschild's Register zur Altindischen Grammatik (on
 vol.s I-III), Goettingen 1964 where all words discussed by
 W. and Debrunner are indexed.
 M. Witzel, Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies,
 Harvard U.

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