Mandukya Upanisad and Commentary

A.Raman at A.Raman at
Mon Aug 1 22:39:17 UTC 1994

>        I am trying to find a copy of the Mandukya Upanisad with
>Sankara's commentary, both of which printed in Devanagari.  So far, I
>have only been able to locate a Devanagari copy of the Upanisad with
>the commentary printed in English.  Any suggestions?

I have one with the Sanskrit verses in Devanagari and English
transcriptions and translations together with Gaudapada's Karika plus
Sankara's commentary is published by the advaita ashrama, Mayavati,
Himalayas. I can post further pointers tomorrow if you like. I think I
bought mine at the Ramakrishna Mutt in Mylapore, Madras some years ago.

- & (anand)


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