Req for Sri Vaishnava literature

Mani Varadarajan mani at Crissy.Stanford.EDU
Mon Apr 25 02:12:29 UTC 1994

Can someone tell me how I can obtain the following poetic/philosophical
works, all composed by monks within the Sri Vaishnava tradition of 

"NakShatra-mAlikA", by Jiyar Naayanaar, grandson of ManavaaLa Maamuni.

    This is a Sanskrit poetic work in praise of Nammalvar, the 
    Tamil saint whose works form a primary basis for 
    Sri Vaishnavism.

"Jnaana-saaram" and "Prameya-saaram", by AruLaala PerumaaL Emberumaanar,
                                         direct disciple of Ramanuja.

    These are two short works in Tamil, usually published with a
    commentary by ManavaaLa Maamuni, the primary teacher of the
    Tengalai subschool of Sri Vaishnavas.

Both of these are cited by Friedhelm Hardy (author of "Viraha Bhakti",
among other publications), but I have not been able to find them in
any library. I would be willing to pay the cost of having someone 
photocopy them and mail them to me.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.



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