Issues in the creation and dissemination of Sanskrit e-texts

ZYSK at ACFcluster.NYU.EDU ZYSK at ACFcluster.NYU.EDU
Tue Jun 1 14:18:17 UTC 1993

I thank Dominik for his argument for electronic text dissemination. It
so happens that I am working on a text that could be sent out, but
I don't have the technical know-how to do so. Let me explain and perhaps
others could offer some advice. 

The text is the Naagarasarvasva of Padmashrii with commentary. I am
working on a "critical" edition of the text from manuscripts and
two printed Indian editions, one with commentary, the other is
a muula text. The program I am using is Madhav's Chiwriter, with
which I have come to work rather easily. When completed, the text
will be about 130 pp. in hard copy. As it is a  critical edition, I
have noted the variants, ignoring common occurrances such as 
doubling of certain consonants, etc. Random checks of previous work indicates
that the margin of error fits into that mentioned by Dominik. The
imput of the draft edition is about 4/5ths completed, with completing
completion expected by the end of summer. 

Ideally, I should like to make the draft available to as many
specialists as possible, so that their comments could be used
in the revision process. The question I have is how can I do it
through the network? How can I make the text in Chiwriter available
by the current methods? Any and all suggests would be most appreciated.
K.G. Zysk

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