ucgadkw at
ucgadkw at
Thu Feb 18 12:40:14 UTC 1993
Georgetown Catalogue of Projects in Electronic Text (CPET)
Center for Text & Technology
Academic Computer Center, Reiss 238
Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057 USA
tel: 202-687-6096 fax: 202-687-6003
Paul Mangiafico, CPET Project Assistant
pmangiafico at
Dr. Michael Neuman, Director, Center for Text & Technology
neuman at
This 26K file contains information on 7 projects, and was last
updated in February, 1993.
The list from which this information is drawn is organized
alphabetically by geographic location, and thus this digest follows
a similar order. The following index lists the projects described
in this digest and the order in which they occur.
CPET#184 Thesaurus of Texts in Ancient Indo-European
CPET#191 Sanskrit medical encyclopaedias
CPET#268 Sanskrit texts
CPET#298 Oxford Text Archive
CPET#8 PHI Demonstration CD-ROM #1 (LBASE/CCAT)
CPET#71 Indic Script Textbases
CPET#101 Thesaurus Linguae Sanskritae
Information on the projects listed below is organized in the
following manner:
0. Identifying Acronym 5. Language
1. Name and Affiliation 6. Intended Use
2. Contact Address 7. Format
3. Disciplinary Interests 8. Forms of Access
4. Focus 9. Source of Holdings
Bamberg (Otto Friedrich Universita%t)/ Thesaurus of Texts in
Ancient Indo-European Languages
[Kraft email 5/24/89; Gippert letters 11/89, 9/5/91, 1sep92]
0. THESIETEXT (Thesaurus of Texts in Ancient Indo-European
1. Thesaurus Indogermanischer Textcorpora; Universitat
Bamberg, Germany See Journal "Die Sprache," Vol. 32/2
2. Dr. Jost Gippert
Universita%t Bamberg, Orientalistik
Postfach 1549
D-W-8600 Bamberg, Germany
3. Literature, language, linguistics, history
4. From beginning of literacy to 17th century; Eurasia
5. Old Indic (Sanskrit), Old Iranian (Avestan, Old Persian),
Hittite, Tokharian, Old Germanic, Greek (Ancient), Italic
languages, Armenian (Old), and several other I.- E.
6. Textbank
7. Sequential text; encoding scheme of DOS, WordCruncher,
and WordPerfect 5.1
8. Access on diskettes, CD-ROM (planned)
9. Encoded by various scholars in different parts of Europe.
Hamburg (Univ)/ Sanskrit medical encyclopaedias
[E-mail from Wujastyk 11/89]
1. Sanskrit medical encyclopaedias
2. Prof. R.E. Emmerick
Iranian Studies
University of Hamburg Germany
3. Medicine
4. Caraka, Susruta, Astangahrdaya, Astangasamgraha, and the
Siddhasara of Ravigupta
5. Sanskrit
Zurich (Univ)/ Sanskrit texts
[E-mail from Wujastyk 11/89; Schreiner letter 8/22/90]
1. Sanskrit texts
2. Prof. Peter Schreiner
Abteilung fu%r Indologie
Universita%t Zu%rich
Ra%mistr. 68
CH-8001 Zu%rich Switzerland
tel. 0041-1-2572036
3. Indology, Sanskrit, Hinduism, Indian philosophy
4. Visnupurana, Manu, Sakuntala, Asvaghosa, Buddhacarita,
Gaudapada-Karika, Adisesa, Paramarthasara, Bhagavadgita,
Narayaniyam, Mahabharata, Svetasvatara-Upanisad.
5. Sanskrit
6. deposit with Oxford Text Archive intended
7. Straight-forward trans-literation with marking of sandhi,
nominal compounds, references; TUSTEP format (ASCII
format possible). TUSTEP programs for KWIC-index,
reserve index word forms etc.
8. Presently none
9. Encoded in-house
Oxford (Univ)/ OTA = Oxford Text Archive
[Hughes, BBBS 583; letter from Burnard 5/90; e-mail Archive
news 5/90; brochure 06/90; email Hart 1/18/90; Humanist OTA
News postings 5-4-90, 6oct92]
0. OTA
1. Oxford Text Archive, Oxford University Computing Service
(OUCS) - Oxford University. See Judith K. Proud _The
Oxford Text Archive_ (British Library R&D Report no 5985,
1989). See also forthcoming _Humanities Computing
2. Alan Morrison and Lou Burnard
Oxford Text Archive
Oxford University Computing Service
13 Banbury Rd.
Oxford OX2 6NN
United Kingdom
tel. +44 (865) 273238; +44 (865) 273200;
Fax: +44 (865) 273 275
JANET: Archive at Uk.Ac.Oxford.Vax
3. Literature, language
4. No specific focus of period, genre, location, or medium.
5. English and nearly 3 dozen others, including Arabic,
Armenian, Coptic, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French,
Fufulde, Gaelic, German, Greek, Hebrew, Icelandic,
Italian, Kurdish, Latin, Latvian, Malayan, Mayan, Pali,
Portuguese, Provenc\al, Russian, Sanskrit, Serbo-Croat,
Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, and Welsh
6. Deposit Archive of hundreds of textbanks for private
scholarly research; interested in acquiring and
maintaining electronic texts of any specialization for
re-use within the scholarly community.
7. Texts held in a wide variety of formats, but prefer the
use of descriptive markup e.g. SGML. Texts stored as
plain ASCII character files on magnetic tape, easily
transferred to most software package. Texts are
compatible with the Oxford Concordance Program (OCP).
8. Access online, by tape (9-track; Density 800, 1600 or
6250 bpi; ASCII or EBCDIC; fixed, variable, or
formatted), by diskette (MS-Dos or Macintosh; HD or DD;
3.5" or 5.25"), by cartridge (DC300, TAR format only) or
(within the UK) over networks. Also available in printed
bound format. Copyrights are present for some works, so
a limited usage form is to be signed by each user. Non-
registered users should send e-mail to
Archive at Uk.Ac.Oxford.Vax listing the texts the user
intends to use and the purpose.
9. Very few texts encoded in house since primarily is a
deposit Archive.
Costs : 5 British Pounds per text. PLUS:
15 British Pounds (within UK) per tape.
25 British Pounds (elsewhere) per tape.
15 British Pounds per diskette.
30 British Pounds per cartridge.
Payments in sterling or US dollars only ($2 = 1 B.P.).
For available works, see Oxford Text Archive Shortlist.
10. Distributing a revised edition of the Toronto D.O.E.
Corpus (20 pounds within Europe; 30 pounds
everywhere else).
Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions Corpora (Cambridge Univ.
Press, 1991)
Susanne Corpus (Brown Corpus of American English)
Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius. De syllogismo
hypothetico. [Latin]
Gay, John. The Beggar's Opera. (B.W. Huebsch 1922)
Griffin, James. Well-being: Its Menaing, Measurement,
and Moral Importance. (Oxford: Oxford University
Press [1987])
Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake (Faber & Faber 1964)
Joyce, James. Ulysses (Bodley Head 1960)
Kant, Immanuel. Critique of Pure Reason, trans. N. Kemp
Smith. (London: Macmillan [1929])
McGuinness, Brian. Wittgenstein, A Life: Young Ludwig,
1889-1921. (London: Duckworth [1988])
More, Thomas. Utopia. [Latin]
Parfit, Derek. Reasons and Persons. (Oxford: Oxford
University Press [1984])
Plato. Works. [Greek]
Sartre, Jean Paul. La Nause.
Shakespeare, William. Complete First Folio. ($90)
Van Dyke, Henry. The Story of the Other Wise Man
(Harper & Bros. 1907)
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Culture and Value. [German]
(Vermischte Bermerkungen)
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Last Writings on the Philosophy
of Psychology, in part. [German] [Letzte Schriften
uber die Philosphie der Psychologie]
Wittgenstein, Ludwig. Remarks on the Philosophy of
Psychology. [German] [Bermerkungen uber die
Philosophie der Psychologie].
CA Los Altos (The Packard Humanities Institute and Univ. of
Penn. CCAT)/ PHI Demonstration CD-ROM #1 (LBASE/CCAT)
[Letter from Rice 10/89; Comparini letter 05/90; Waite
letter 1/9/89; Comparini 06/20/91]
0. PHI Demonstration CD-ROM #1
1. The Packard Humanities Institute and CCAT, University of
2. Brigitte R. Comparini
The Packard Humanities Institute
300 Second Street, Suite 201
Los Altos, CA 94022
tel. (415) 948-0150
Bitnet : xb.m07 at stanford
fax : (415) 948-5793
Robert A. Kraft
Box 36 College Hall
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pa 19104
tel. (215) 898-5827
Bitnet: Kraft at
3. Latin literature; biblical and miscellaneous; non-
literary Greek papyri.
4. Latin literature through A.D. 200; Biblical and
miscellaneous of various periods.
5. Primarily Latin, English, Greek, Hebrew; also Aramaic,
Coptic, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Arabic, Italian, Danish,
6. Large Latin database for literary, linguistic, and
historical research; biblical and miscellaneous database
for literary, linguistic, historical,
religious, and scholarly research.
7. High Sierra for directory and file allocation; ASCII
coded transcription for non-Roman alphabets, compatible
with Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (University of California,
Irvine) Beta code; full text, unindexed; system
independent. Exact Search, Fuzzy Search, GREP Search; set
context length and record span; set up linguistic models
of any type; built-in WordStar editor; make grammatical
concordances and other custom databases. CD ROM (ISO
8. CD-ROM (High Sierra format) distributed under license to
individuals and institutions, for non-commercial use.
Software programs to access archive obtainable from:
(a) CCAT, Box 36 College Hall, University of Penn.
Philadelphia, Pa 19104-6303
Tel : (215) 898-1597 (IBM).
(b) Ibycus, P.O. Box 1330
Los Altos, CA 94022
Tel : (415) 941-5674 (Ibycus).
(c) Linguistics Software, P.O. Box 580
Edmonds, WA 98020-0580 (Macintosh).
Tel: (206) 775-1130
(d) Perseus Project, Dept. of Classics, 319
Boylston Hall, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA 02138.
Tel : (617) 495-9025 (Macintosh).
(e) David Rensburger, 1293 Willivee Drive,
Decatur, GA 30033 (IBM).
(f) Anna Santoni, Scuola Normale Superiore,
56100 Pisa, Italy.
Fax : 39-50-563513 (Macintosh).
(g) John Baima, Silver Mountain Software,
7246 Cloverglen Drive, Dallas, TX 75249 (IBM).
(h) Pharos software: Randall Smith, Dept. of
Classics, UC Santa Barbara, CA 93106 (IBM).
rsmith1 at
9. Latin : prepared from various printed sources by PHI;
biblical and miscellaneous; collected from various
sources and editions and organized by CCAT (Univ. of
Penn). Texts donated to and by the TLG (Thesaurus Linguae
Graecae - University of California at Irvine) and CCAT
(Center for Computer Analysis of Texts - University of
Due for release mid-February (1991) are the following
text bases:
Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL)
Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri (DDBDP) (from
project of the same name, located at Duke
Cornell Inscription Project (CIP) (from project of
the same name, located at Cornell University).
Nag Hammadi Coptic Texts (from Claremont
Coptic (Sahidic) New Testament (from CCAT; David
Horner edition, but revised and edited by
David Brakke and Bentley Layton).
Availability : Expanded and revised edition forthcoming.
License fee $25.00
Utility Disks:
Individual license : $50
University license : $100
Foreign Fonts:
Individual license : $90
University license : $200
Graphics Tool Box:
Individual license : $75
University license : $400
10. Project includes such works as The Divine Comedy, Hebrew
Bible, Chaucer's work, and other Greek and Latin
Various works of Saint Augustine of Hippo. [Latin]
Descartes, Rene. Elementa. [Latin]
Descartes, Rene. Regulae. [Latin]
Descartes, Rene. Principia, 1 and 2. [Latin]
Bagavad Gita (from Oxford Text Archive, with
corrections) [Sanskrit]
Rigveda (from UTexas/Irvine) [Sanskrit]
NM Las Cruces (NMSU)/ Indic Script Textbases
[Moberg, DBHSS 33, de Ram email 5/24/89]
1. Indic Script Textbases, New Mexico State University
See Candelaria de Ram, "Indic Script Textbases" in
Databases in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Osprey,
Plorida: Paradigm Press, 1987: 33-73.
2. Sylvia Candelaria de Ram
Natural Language Group
Computing Research Laboratory
Box 3CF, UPB
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003
tel. (505) 646-6216/522-2978
BITNET: sylvia at, sylvia at nmsu.bitnet
3. Natural texts for and by children and adults (excerpts
from children's primers and other books). Aerospace
textbook sections with diagrams and text with titles
4. Modern, Indic, American
5. Indic characters of Araboid and Sanscritic families,
orthographically accurate transliteration into ASCII of
Hindi, Urdu, Bengal, English, Spanish
6. Transliteration system for Devanagri, Nastaliq, Bengali,
Tamil, and other Bhrami scripts; of character, textbank
for construction of usage pattern or database for machine
translation, discourse analysis and generation, user
interfaces; approx. 25 selected texts, word lists
7. Sequential texts in ASCII format, some with troff
typesetting commands; databases are in Prolog format,
usable after filtering with Lisp; entry on site by Unix
gnu emacs editors running on Suns
8. Access online in a Berkeley Unix environment, and soon by
Apple Mac diskette. No special hardware or software
9. Encoded in house; sources of Indic texts are published
children's and adults books from India, Pakistan, and
TX Austin (University of Texas)/ Thesaurus Linguae Sanskritae
[E-mail from Wujastyk 11/89]
1. Thesaurus Linguae Sanskritae, University of Texas
2. Prof. R. Lariviere
University of Texas
Austin, Texas 78712
tel. (512) 471-5811
5. Sanskrit
9. Texts include Mahabharata and Ramayana
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