OPACS and networks in India

Dominik Wujastyk D.Wujastyk at ucl.ac.uk
Tue Aug 31 15:09:29 UTC 1993

In message Fri, 27 Aug 93 17:08:26 BST, ahale at vax.oxford.ac.uk  writes:

> Are there any Online Public Access Catalogues in Indian universities and
> research centres that it is possible to access?
> Does anyone know of any plans in India to provide access to any such
> services through the Internet?

John S. Quarterman's book "The Matrix: computer networks and conferencing
systems worldwide" (Digital PREss, 1990; ISBN 1-55558-033-5) has a section
on networks in South Asia (chapter 17).

You can get more up-to-date information using the "whois" command in Unix.
I append info on this, and on the result of using it to get info. on sites
in Delhi.

To answer the question, though: no, not to my knowledge.


=== whois.1 =======================================================
     Online Email directory of ERNET users in India (maintained on sangam)

     The whois program examines a central database of registered users  and,
     based on a user supplied search key, looks up and displays information
     about all selected users. Display is always truncated to fifty lines.
     The command
       whois -h sangam.ncst.ernet.in help
     gets you a copy of this document.

     All searches are case-insensitive. When searching the database  with  a
     name  key,  you can  use a few  characters  of the  name instead of the
     entire word.  This is handy if you are not sure of the exact spelling.

     A search key consists of a single word or group of words  contained  in
     (double) quotes (" ... "). The single word form matches city name.

     whois -h sangam.ncst.ernet.in bombay    (Lists ernet sites in Bombay)
     whois -h sangam.ncst.ernet.in mad       (All the Madras sites !)

     Queries using the form key at site will
     match user's login name or full name as in /etc/passwd  file.

     whois -h sangam.ncst.ernet.in joshi at shakti      (All users on shakti matching
                                                 the pattern 'joshi')

     The use of the symbol % in front of a name limits the search
     to the field containing the login name. Eg:

     whois -h sangam.ncst.ernet.in %sadanand at shakti
     (only logins starting with 'sadanand' at shakti)

     This will fail to match P Sadanandan, whose login name is ps

     Directory outputs associate a mailid with each user, for further
     enquiry, to retrieve full postal address, phone and Fax numbers.
     For example, sh287 is the mailid of PKX Thomas as shown below.

(sh287) thomas:(Mr. P.K.X. Thomas,NCST,,) <thomas at shakti.ernet.in>

     Use !mailid for getting detailed information.

     whois -h sangam.ncst.ernet.in !sh287
     (Gives postal address, Phone & Fax numbers of Thomas)
                    (C-Shell users must use \! instead of !)

====Delhi "whois" results: ============================================

Computer network sites in Delhi as of June 1993:

Node_name 		Address
aiims.ernet.in	Biotech Dept. : All India Inst.of Med. Sciences : Delhi
cdotd.ernet.in  Centre for Development of Telematics : 9th Floor, Akbar
                Bhawan, Chanakyapuri : New Delhi - 110 021
cmetd.ernet.in  Centre for Materials Technology
cris.ernet.in   Centre for Railway Information Systems
ignca.ernet.in  Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts
iitd.ernet.in   Indian Institute of Technology
insa.ernet.in   Indian National Science Academy
insdoc          Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre
isid.ernet.in   Indian Statistical Institute : Delhi
isidev.ernet.in	Institute for Studies in Industrial Development
jnuniv.ernet.in Jawaharlal Nehru University : New Mehrauli Road : New
                Delhi - 110 067
netearth.ernet.in Dept of Computer Science & Engg : Indian Institute of
                Technology : Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110 016
nifm            National Institute for Financial Management
nmc             National Microelectronics Council, DoE, New Delhi
nsc             Nuclear Science Centre
pranjan.ernet.in Controller General of Accounts
seco.ernet.in   SECO & CG Division, Department of Electronics
tifac.ernet.in  Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council :
vikram.ernet.in Department of Electronics : A-Block, CGO Complex : Lodi
                Road, New Delhi - 110 003
wapcos.ernet.in Water and Power Consultancy Ltd. :
Dominik Wujastyk           Phone (and voice messages): +44 71 611 8467

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