Tamil fonts

Thomas B. Ridgeway ridgeway at blackbox.hacc.washington.edu
Fri Aug 27 15:32:50 UTC 1993

> Hi, I am looking for Tamil fonts for IBM compatible PCs (preferably
> for Windows 3.0 or higher). A friend of mine suggested I contact you
> folks. If anyone has information on where I can get the fonts (ftp
> sites?), please let me know. Thanks.
> -- Muthu-- 
  There is a Postscript font called Palladam which is available on
several archives, including ftp.cica.indiana.edu unless I am mistaken.
This would not be of any use unless you have ATM or a way to convert it
to TrueType.
  Some possibility exists that others may become available; I would monitor
the Indology list for any announcements of same.


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