E-mail to India

hcf1dahl at EARN.UCSBUXA hcf1dahl at EARN.UCSBUXA
Thu Jan 30 16:35:22 UTC 1992

Status: RO

I've just received an e-mail message from Professor K. Sundaram
of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Madras
telling me that India now has a connection to Bitnet and that
humanists in his area are interested in communicating with
other scholars with similar interests.
His address is:
     sundaram!unimad at iitm.ernet.in
My own mailing system requires that I precede the "!" in the
address with a "\" but that may not normally be needed.
Eric Dahlin
Humanities Computing Facility
University of California, Santa Barbara
HCF1DAHL at ucsbuxa.bitnet

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