SESAME Bulletin on South Asian Scripts

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UK.AC.UCL
Mon Feb 17 13:44:23 UTC 1992

I had a note from John Clews today, asking me to pass on the following:
Volume 5 of SESAME Bulletin will have a major focus on South Asian scripts
in most issues.
Also, he is advertising a book:
Ian Tresman, _The Multilingual PC Directory_ (Harrogate: SESAME
Computer Projects, 1992).  254 pp.  ISBN 1-873091-01-X.  20 pounds.
>From the blurb:  ... the definitive guide to multilingual and
foreign language products for IBM PCs and compatibles.  It includes details
of nearly 300 products, supporting as many languages, which are available
in over 70 countries from over 1000 manufacturers,
publishers and affiliates. ...
For more information, contact
  John Clews,
  SESAME Computer Projects,
  8 Avenue Road,
  North Yourkshire,
  HG2 7PG, United Kingdom.
Telephone orders: +44 423 888432
             FAX: +44 423 883918
Credit card payments okay.
My experience of SESAME publications in the past is that they are
very informative.
Best wishes,

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