Falk's phone number

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UK.AC.UCL
Tue May 28 14:22:58 UTC 1991

Status: RO

Would anyone with Harry Falk's current phone number be good enough to
let me have it, please?  I have an old number, +49 761 71156, but it seems to
have been disconnected.  And I my email does not seem to be getting
through to Harry, either.
Dr Dominik Wujastyk,     | Janet:                          D.Wujastyk at uk.ac.ucl
Wellcome Institute for   | Bitnet/Earn/Ean/Uucp/Internet:  D.Wujastyk at ucl.ac.uk
 the History of Medicine,| or: dow at harvunxw.bitnet    or: dow at wjh12.harvard.edu
183 Euston Road,         | last resort: D.Wujastyk%uk.ac.ucl at nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
London NW1 2BN, England. | Phone no.:                    +44 71 383-4252 ext.24

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